We spent the weekend celebrating Henry's birthday which was on Friday.
We gave him the card we made him the day before. We printed off a card with all his favourite characters on it. I never thought I would but I have embraced this whole character branded thing, he just loves it so much. And why wouldn't he like seeing the same familiar characters on everything? It was fun, he really liked all his cards this year and kept wanting to take them off the shelf and look at them.
On the morning of his birthday we gave him the big present from Mommy and Daddy - the play kitchen I've been working on for months. There will definitely be a full blog post on the play kitchen later this week.
I wanted to do something special during the day on his birthday but we had loads of snow so I didn't feel like driving anywhere and Henry kept saying he wanted to stay home anyway. So I convinced him to play outside for half an hour and we spent the rest of the day inside, just an ordinary day.
Kevin's parents and one sister came over in the evening. It had been ages since we'd had his parents over and Henry was soooo excited to have them at his own house. We had creamy pasta for dinner which Henry liked. And I did waffles and ice cream for dessert. Henry had a bit of waffle some chocolate that had been part of a present and refused to try the ice cream.
And on Sunday we had another celebration at my mum's house. He got to open even more presents.
And his Aunt Eliza made him a chocolate cake which he seemed happy about until he realized that when we said chocolate cake it didn't mean he gets chocolate. Luckily I had brought the leftover ice cream and he liked that on this day.
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