22 March 2012


We've been outside since last Friday. It is summer here all of a sudden. Actually it was so hot the past couple of days that we stayed in for a few hours each afternoon just to stay cool. The trees don't even have leaves yet so it's hard to find shade.
We've been spending lots of time on the driveway, in the backyard, at just about every playground and park, in uptown Waterloo.
There's been lots of sidewalk chalk.
And I discovered that even though walking at 7+ months into this pregnancy is often painful, biking is easy and it feels amazing to be getting out and about without the pain. So Henry and I have been out like this several times this week.
And with the nicer weather comes construction. There is some serious construction going on at the end of our street and Henry asks to "see the diggers" several times a day. We've been going at least once a day and sitting to watch them for a few minutes each time.

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