22 May 2012


We are doing great over here.  The first five days I was feeling very sore and just like I was waiting to recover but then all at once I started feeling pretty great.  I am still taking it easy - have to save my energy for when Kevin goes back to work next week.  But I have been on a walk and been out gardening already.  

Bridget is a pretty perfect baby so far.  She is a champion nurser and gained 5 oz in her first week. And already I can get her latched on in the night without getting up or even turning the light on so I am even well rested.

Henry still loves Baby Bridget.  Likes to give her "nosies".  And tells us when she's crying that she wants Mommy milk.  So far no jealousy.  And he loves that we have been having lots of visitors and the visitors have even brought him presents so he sure is happy.

Of course it is more work having a toddler and a newborn but it is also the best of two worlds.  Henry is talking and talking and frequently making us laugh or just marvel at his cuteness.  And Bridget is a 24/7 hug.  Life is pretty great right now.

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