It was a really hot day today, hot and humid. Henry and I hung out in the backyard all day.
While we were out there we noticed how tall the asparagus had gotten and I thought it was time to eat some. So for dinner we had pasta with asparagus from the garden, sun-dried tomatoes from last year's garden, and walnuts, mushrooms, garlic. Along with it we had a salad from the garden: dandelion leaves and lots of chives and a little bit of arugula and mache left over from last year. And carrots not from the garden. The whole meal turned out really tasty. Whenever I had read before about eating dandelion leaves I'd always had a little taste and thought yuck too bitter. But in the salad with the sweet balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing the dandelion tasted just fine.
We spent all day outside but right at dinner time it started to rain so we are stuck inside this evening. Apart from a little expedition out in the downpour to let Henry experience the rain of course.
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